Who can join Cross Country?
Youth between ages 7-18yrs. old may participate in Cross County. We do accept younger athletes, but to compete in Nationals, they must be 7.
I live outside of Peachtree City, can I still join PTC Flash?
PTC Flash operates in conjunction with the Peachtree City Department of Parks & Recreation, however all athletes, regardless of residency, are eligible to participate with the team.
Who are the coaches?
All team coaches are volunteers. They are individuals who take their personal time to instruct and coach your child. Each coach has undergone SafeCoach training and had a background check performed.
Does a parent need to be present at each practice and meet?
A parent is required to either remain at each practice/meet or designate (in writing) another person as having responsibility for the athlete. In other words, unless specifically discussed with a coach prior to practice, someone responsible for the athlete must be present at practice. Please note that this is primarily a medical/liability matter where we’re trying to ensure the safety of the athletes.
How are age groups divided at meets?
Age groups are decided by what age the athlete will be by Dec. 31 of the participation year. Click here for more info.
Year of birth Age Division Name of Division
2009-2010 7 - 8 Sub-Bantam
2007-2008 9 - 10 Bantam
2005-2006 11 - 12 Midget
2003-2004 13 - 14 Youth
2001-2002 15 - 16 Intermediate
1999-2000 17 - 18 Young Men/Women
Do we practice in the rain?
Yes, we practice rain or shine! If there’s very heavy rain or lightning/thunder we will cancel practice. Use your best judgment.
What running gear does my child need?
Your child will need to have a pair of athletic running shoes for practice and meets. Appropriate running attire should include warm ups, running shorts, long and short sleeved shirts. Dress in layers in cool weather.
Where can I buy running shoes?
You can buy running shoes at the following running shoe stores locally
Fleet Feet (Peachtree City), Smith & Davis (Fayetteville), Dragonfly Running (Newnan)
Academy and Dick’s Sporting Goods in Newnan also sell running shoes.